Jean M. Grant

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Medieval Monday, Week 2

Medieval Monday, autumn-style


Another week of Medieval Monday!

Check out Medieval Romance Lovers as we share in the fall theme of "Nature" in our excerpts from our medieval stories. You’ll see weekly snippets each Monday on our blogs.

I encourage you to follow along with all the other Medieval Monday authors on the Facebook page here. You will find the links to their blogs where they are sharing their snippets. There may be even be some giveaways on the page…

You can also find us on Twitter at #MedMonFall20

This week’s snippet…


Domhnall is a Seer who descends from powerful Ancients with mystical abilities. He suffers from terrible visions of the Sight, an affliction that comes with each touch, except with Rosalie. He is taking Rosalie on a stroll through the village. They come upon the loch shore and he suggests they collect pebbles for her necklace-making. Rosalie is a crafter and fortune-teller, scrimping to make ends meet and support her uncle and aunt, but she is also on the run from a vengeful noblewoman not pleased with her readings. She tells lies for a living. Domhnall believes her to be a true seer.

Last week’s snippet is here. Now week 2…

He drew a finger down the hollow of her neck, softly. “Your necklaces? I saw the ones you sold in the market, and my mother told me about them. Lanie said you showed her how to make paints. You do fine work.”

“They’re just stones.”

“Even stones can hold power,” he whispered.

She crinkled her brows, but he didn’t clarify. He must have sounded like a fool…talk of Seers and magical stones.

“The Ancients?” she whispered.

He nodded. “Aye.”

“What exactly is a Feeler?”

“A person who can see inside you…your inner most lifeblood and your emotions. Each person emits a color. My mother can read people.”


“Hard to explain. We all emit a color, our life force?”


“She can discern intention from malice, truth from lie.”

Stay Tuned….

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