Precious Treasure by Terry Segan

Welcome, Terry!

Do you find inspiration in your own life for your writing?

All the time. Many of my settings are from places I’ve lived or visited. Precious Treasure takes place on Long Island, which is where I grew up. The towns are fictitious, but the setting resembles many suburban areas of Long Island. My time travel mystery, Photographs in Time, is set in Southern California. I lived in the area during my twenties. The characters I create are sometimes inspired by people I know or strangers I’ve met.

What was the most interesting part of the story to write/research?

The key in a journal…

Janie Holcomb prays for closure once the courts declare her missing husband dead. Instead, she's sent spiraling down a dangerous path.

When her lawyer delivers a package held in trust, she finds a cryptic warning along with a Civil War journal promising buried treasure. While seeking a connection between her spouse and the decades-old diary, Janie attracts the spirit of a Confederate soldier pleading for help.

Enlisting her brother's assistance to chase down clues, they discover that not everyone they know should be trusted. Janie overlooks potential threats when the promise of new love stirs her emotions. Will her digging uncover the answers she craves or doom her to a similar fate?


In Precious Treasure, the most interesting part to write was the Civil War journal of the young Confederate soldier. It took quite a bit of research to understand the life of the soldiers in that time period. Besides tracking down facts about their clothing, food, and military habits, I also looked up actual letters to get a feel for their written words. It surprised me with how formal many of the letters sounded.

Any new projects on the horizon?

Next up is Spirit in Tow, another paranormal mystery, and the first in my new Marni Legend series. Marni must help a lost soul move on while trying to jumpstart her love life and extricate the ghost of her recently departed mother from her kitchen.

Here’s a sneak peek from Precious Treasure:

Janie dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. Turning on the tap to fill the sink, she bent over and splashed cold water on her face. The refreshing drops rolled down her forehead, cheeks and chin, pulling her out of her funk. Sightless, Janie reached for the hand towel hanging nearby and dried her face as she stood upright. Opening her eyes, she leaned in to examine the damage of the late night on her complexion. Her reflection looked back, as well as that of a young man standing behind her. Janie’s heart leapt to her throat as she whipped around and found no one there. Looking back in the mirror, she saw only herself.

This is too much, she thought. First nightmares and now hallucinations. Janie shook her head. With the assault of information thrown at her in the last twenty-four hours, her imagination cartwheeled out of control.

Knowing the visions were a result of the wine, newspaper articles and journal, didn’t calm the raised hackles on the back of her neck. The foreboding in Brian’s letter snaked its way up her spine threatening to encircle her throat and squeeze tight. His writing had a tone of uncertainty and fear—uncharacteristic of the man she had married.

Speed Round!

Ice cream (favorite flavor)? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Coffee or tea or wine? Coffee – for the safety of others

What does your desk look like? Messy

In an alternate reality, what would be your dream job (besides author)? Tour Guide

Where is your favorite place you've visited (or wish to visit)? Australia—on the list

What do you like to do when not writing? Travel

Beach, lake, or mountains? BEACH (sorry to shout)

What are you known for? Sarcasm--and sometimes my meatloaf.

What comes first, character or plot (or other)? Character

You’re on a desert island, besides essentials, what do you bring? My husband

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